Sunday, September 28, 2014

Once Upon a Time

In the mornings, Jacob leaves around 7:45 to go to school and I have until 10:00 before I have to work.  Sometimes I try to do productive things like work out, clean, cook, or other such things.  But, other times I just relax, make the bed, write Jacob a love note and leave something random.  The cards on the bed are part of a game that Jacob brought home this week with a theme of fairy tales.  I left him our love story told through the cards.  When I got home, he swept me off my feet, told me to close my eyes and in Russian (which makes it even greater of a romantic gesture for some reason) he told our story, but he said that even though the last card said, "The End", in all reality, our story was not over, and it would not have an end but it would go on forever.  I have such an amazing man. 

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