Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Disney Land!

Disney Land is always incredible, the only thing that could make it better (and a little crazier)  is going with the whole extended family on the Kendall side and my new fiancé! 

I think that it's possible that I both surprised and embarrassed Jacob a bit with my posing for pictures, but that's ok because he got into it after awhile. 

LOVE the cars ride as you can tell from the picture, technology is amazing.
 Who knew that the discover place in Tomorrow land was so epic?! I didn't.  They had a bunch of the original suits from Iron Man AND  the best part was downstairs with the smart home.  The bedroom was a Peter Pan room that when you read the story it was interactive!  (I tried to take a video but I didn't push the right button) 

I guess we aren't King, at least we tried though right?

Isn't my fiance so handsome? I am so happy that I found my Prince.

Disney Land was magical as always. It was beautiful chaos trying to plan with that big of a group and so much fun to be with everyone.  All this family love and happiness was possible because of Grandma and Grandpa, they are amazing!

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