Sunday, May 19, 2013


            There is not enough room in a whole blog, or enough words in the world to describe my love for gymnastics and how it has made me into the person I am.   We can go back in time in another blog post and I can go into detail with that, but today's post is dedicated to the little people that I coach.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to teach these kids gymnastics and to help them also find the joy that comes with working hard, gaining control over the physical body and succeeding in mastering skills.  Today we held a festival for the kids to perform for their parents.  We have been practicing routines for about a month and they were so excited to be able to show their parents!  It was a very fun day I was so proud of them for remembering their routines and for being brave!
            Surprisingly, Ian (Audrey's boyfriend)  has a niece that goes there, I recognized Ian's dad and was able to talk with them!  It was good to get to know some people in my extended family of sorts!  Hopefully he doesn't mind that I put up some of the pictures that he took :)  Thanks Gordon Lonsdale!

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