Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Oh, we have a dog."

This morning I woke up, went down stairs and Bones came running to me and I said, "Oh we have a dog".  It is a very strange thing how fast she has become part of our family.

A few things concerning the dog:
1. She LOVES my mom.  Which my mom loves her but it stresses her out JUST a little bit that she has to be within sight and sound of my mom and sometimes even within a two foot range.
2.  She likes to know where everyone is and know what they are doing.  If Jake is downstairs she has to travel back and forth and sniff everyone to make sure they are OK. 
3. She doesn't try to eat our food, she doesn't lick,  I have only heard her bark once, and she doesn't get on the furniture. 
4. Mom, dad, and I were sitting on the kitchen floor petting her and one would stop and she would look at you, whine or poke you as if to say that only 2 people petting her wasn't sufficient!  Haha she likes attention.

At the moment she is a sad puppy cause she just had surgery.  This morning we could tell she was in pain but she wouldn't eat her medicine.  We were thinking of all the things that we could do to trick her:  put it in her food...didn't work; we wrapped it in ham...too smart for that she just at the ham off of it;  put it in peanut butter?...haha it worked!  She loved it!  it was pretty cute watching her mouth get all stuck together. 

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