Friday, January 25, 2013

On Revelation

Yesterday as I was driving past the gas station I had a thought come into my head, "I should fill up my car".  Then I thought.  Nah...the light just came on last night, I will be fine.  And the thought came into my head again, "you should fill up your car".  And AGAIN I just told myself that I would do it later.   And of course while driving I ran out of gas!  (first time that has happened to me in my years of driving).  Thankfully I was just driving around a parking lot, and thankfully I have a great friend Stefanie Wright who came to save me with a tank of gas. :)  As I was waiting in my freezing cold car my mind began to wander and contemplate on revelation.

Stefanie later said "The Holy Ghost will always warn you".  How silly of me to not listen, or possibly how thick headed of me to not realize that the thoughts in my head were the Holy Ghost trying to help me out.  I learned (or relearned you might say) two lessons from this experience:

1. Don't disregard promptings from the Spirit. ALWAYS ACT ON A PROMPTING!
2.  Heavenly Father is aware of my situation and cares even about the little things in my life like having enough gas in my car so that I can be on time for class. 

This reminds me of a talk that one of the apostles gave.  I have been trying to remember which talk and which apostle..I think maybe President Uchtdorf.   But what he said is that each of us that have received the gift of the Holy Ghost is entitled to receive revelation daily.   That is our right and privilege. What an amazing gift.  I think that through the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father has a lot to say to us and if we were more aware life would probably go a lot more smoothly and we would be able to be on the Lord's errand and do His Will.  

Goal:  Be consistently listening for revelation in order to receive help and to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. 

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