Thursday, January 5, 2017


I haven't written a blog post in years, and the ones I started I obviously didn't finish.  But I just had an experience that I needed to write down and save and this is where I thought I wouldn't lose it. 

Our sweet baby Henry has a hard time sleeping.  So as pictured above, I normally end up holding him to nap, and all night long is a struggle.  We have made some progress and he is napping and sleeping (kinda) on his own, but getting to sleep at night is full of tears and screaming and stress on all sides.  

Tonight, after 30 plus minutes of our nightly struggle, I went in to comfort Henry.  I received a Spiritual nudge that told me that he feels alone far away in the corner bedroom, a big room and a big bed for such a little guy.  So I prayed with all my heart to Heavenly Father and asked Him to send angels to Henry to help him know that he is loved and to comfort him so he wouldn't feel alone.  I told Heavenly Father that I knew that this was possible, that I knew that He could hear me and I knew that He loved our Henry even more than we do, which I can't even imagine. I told Heavenly Father that I knew He could send some angels down to be with my baby.   Immediately, I felt the presence of  what I can only assume to be a few of His Heavenly Angels in the room, I had the thought that they might be his two grandpa Roberts (Trottier and Stewart). Henry calmed down, his breathing steadied, and he fell asleep.   

I don't think this will be the end of our sleeping struggles in the long run, or even for the night.  But our storm was calmed by a loving Heavenly Father for concerned and over tired parents, and a lonely little boy.  I will treasure this experience and will share it with Henry when he is older so that he can know, like I do how much our Heavenly Father loves Him.  A little 7 month old who was in need of comfort. I know that our Heavenly Father hears our prayers and he cares about us.  He cares enough to send angels to to my baby.