Sunday, November 10, 2013

Birthday Things

First surprise came from Brenna the day before my birthday!  A cupcake!  Mmmmmg good!

Wingers with Abby, Scott, Mckell and Jacob...Sorry about the lack of picture but the sticky fingers were as good as ever!

Matt and Sami Harris, my cute brother Jake, me,  My new fiance Jacob, Grandma Trottier, Grandma and Grandpa Kendall, mom and dad
Good food!  Good Presents! Good Company!


IT WAS A MIRACLE. We were all together in the same apartment in the same room for the first time ever!  So we took pictures of course.

Sara, Me, Brenna, Kate, Abby, Mckell
LOVE these girls, so thankful we are all living together.

Halloween Week at Work

The kids LOVE Halloween week at the gym!  They wear their costumes and we play games.  The staff also gets pretty into the costumes as well. 

The Hot Dog was probably my favorite!