Sunday, June 30, 2013

Date Night!

We went to the Nickel Arcade! We got all of our change and gave it to them to weigh!  We had a LITTLE more than we thought and ended up with $13 in nickels! We played all the games a few times and still have plenty of nickels to go back at least one more time!  I kinda struggled at the driving games, and the shooting games...which is what most of them are but it was super fun anyways!  And Jacob was pro so it's all good!  My favorites are Pac-Man and Ski-Ball!  Underneath are the prizes that we got.  Airplanes and candy!  We had a war with our airplanes afterwards, I would have to say that Jacob won, but only because my airplane was crooked and the propeller broke(which had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I crashed it against the walls and stuff)!

Next was our movie date night we had been planning!  The pictures on the right that are super fuzzy depict how we got distracted fighting over the phone trying to take pictures of each other.  Ha!  Jokes on Jacob, one of the pictures he took is more of himself than me ;). The movie night meant that he got to pick a scary movie and I got to pick a chick flick!  They were both pretty good. We also had to have cookies and popcorn of course!

I have got to say, I am very blessed to have this man in my life. He is my best friend, and he makes me feel beautiful and loved!  Thanks Jacob!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Warm Summer Night ~ House-gazing in the Avenues ~ On a Motorcycle ~ With my Dad!

The pictures aren't very great, but the real thing was!  I can't think of anything much better than riding on a motorcycle with my dad with the summer breeze!  Plus seeing all of the gorgeous architecture of the Avenues, seriously I would love to live in one of the houses there!  Depicted above is a picture of a house that Audrey and I chose as ours before my mission when we went on drives all the time just searching for our  perfect future homes!   Don't worry Audge!  I haven't forgotten!  Our house is just as breathtaking as it was then!  Remember the vines and the purple blossoms?!  Thanks for the ride dad!  Love you!

I Love Boating!

 Jacob looking good and me looking wet! Tubing is great!  

Left: Mims, David, Jacob, Zach, and Joy!
Below:  Jamie and Mason

A great day at the lake as always!  Boating is one of my favorite things in the world!  Thanks for inviting us Zimmerman Family!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Changes and Milestones

This is a time in life where so many people are making huge decisions and hitting huge life markers.  I am so grateful for my friends that surround me and for the examples they are for me on how to lead a successful happy life with the Savior in the Gospel.   I am so happy for all of them and for the decisions they are making to further them in life.

Whitney Anne Jensen is getting married!  and I couldn't be happier!  These two are perfect for each other and I know they have found their own Happily Ever After!

This one took everyone by surprise but Kate Giles is engaged!  Kye is awesome and I am pretty sure that they will never have a dull moment in their whole entire lives!

This little guy belongs to Jennie Ann Easton Newbold!  She is a mommy!  How exciting!  Easton is a perfect baby and possibly one of the cutest ever!  How happy to start their own little family! 
 And this is my friend Grey! She got baptized! I am so thankful for the blessing that she is in my life and that I could see her go through this journey! I am so happy for her.
Not to mention her and Riley are getting married too! So happy to see to of my friends find happiness and love together!  I love you guys! 

~Change is sometimes hard and scary, but it is also happy and exciting!  There is always a new adventure waiting for us in life. 

9th Grade Lagoon Day!

Sami and Jake had 9th grade Lagoon day, so naturally I decided to go with to keep Sami company!   Talk about major flash backs to when we went with all of our friends to Lagoon.  For some reason the thing I remember most vividly is Zach Zimmerman eating a french fry off of Lagoon's floor....gross....
 Us taking a "selfie" on the sky ride!  Pretty sure most people just thought we were 9th graders...This is my favorite. Well, I also love the swings and Colossus!
 "It's so fluffy!  I think I'm gonna die!"...I was so excited when I saw these! Except they kinda failed on the fluffy part...
 This picture was in honor of Brooke..."the train song the train song the train song the train song"
 Cutest house ever!  Its the Ginger Bread house so i was eating the pole.